The Musicians hand
Biomechanics of Flexion. An Essential Instrument for the Music.
Flexion of thumb and fingers involve complex interactions of extrinsic and intrinsic muscles, soft tissues and joints of hand and forearm. The force generated by the muscles of the forearm converted into angular movements of fingers, which is essential for prehensile functions of hand. Intrinsic muscles guide those angular movements with a high precision. This make the hand capable of performing delicate functions with very fine discrimination. One of the extreme levels of hand functions is playing an instrument. A computer can well play a classical music masterpiece. What gives the music the emotions of the player is the physical abilities of the hand. Perfect harmony in music is closely correlated with the perfect harmony of soul and the mechanics of the hand. In this lecture, how the hand works and how it is used in playing music will be presented.
Dokter Aarsman – onemanshow
Als je ervoor openstaat, is het leven een constante stroom van ontdekkingen. Mijn moeder was idolaat van chirurgen. Het leek haar een goed idee als... Read More
SL ligament reconstructions of the wrist
Hand Surgery Unit, Orthopaedic and Trauma Department, Madrid, Spain.