Program – Big Hand Event 2024

Program 2024

Day 1
27 Sep 2024

Opening & welcome & introduction

Big Hand event 2024 - start: OPENING & WELCOME & INTRODUCTION
Prof. Dr. J. Henk Coert

Session 1 – Tendons: Flexor tendon repair; state of the art. Current concepts in Zone I/II finger flexor tendon rehabilitation

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 1 – Tendons: Flexor tendon repair; state of the art. Current concepts in Zone I/II finger flexor tendon rehabilitation
Jin Bo Tang
Jin Bo Tang

Session 1 – An update on the FIRST trial (Multi-centred RCT comparing splints following zone I/II finger flexor tendon injuries)

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 1 – Tendons: An update on the FIRST trial (Multi-centred RCT comparing splints following zone I/II finger flexor tendon injuries)
Emma Bamford
Emma Bamford

Session 1 – Rehabilitation after flexor tendon repair

Prof Dr Jin Bio Tang is a leading figure in the field of hand surgery, currently serving at the Hand Surgery Research Center, Department of Hand Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of...
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Jin Bo Tang
Jin Bo Tang
11:00 - 11:45

Discussion & break

Session 2 – Nerves: introduction

Big Hand event 2024 -Session 2 – Nerves: introduction
Dr. Willem D. Rinkel

Session 2 – Nerve entrapments and diabetes

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 2 – Nerves: Nerve entrapments and diabetes
Lars Dahlin
Lars Dahlin

Session 2 – Anatomy median and ulnar nerve

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 2 – Nerves: Anatomy median and ulnar nerve
Ronald Bleys
Ronald Bleys

Session 2 – Nerve injuries, covering diagnosis, surgery, and successful rehabilitation

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 2 – Nerves: Nerve injuries, covering diagnosis, surgery, and successful rehabilitation
Lars Dahlin
Lars Dahlin
13:00 - 14:00

Discussion & lunch break

Session 3 – Spasticity: introduction

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 2 – Nerves: Nerve injuries, covering diagnosis, surgery, and successful rehabilitation
Dr. Ton A.R. Schreuders

Session 3 – Nerve procedures in the management of upper limb spasticity

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 3 – Spasticity: Nerve procedures in the management of upper limb spasticity
Caroline Leclercq
Caroline Leclercq

Session 3 – Rehabilitation of surgical procedures for upper limb spasticity

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 3 – Spasticity: Rehabilitation of surgical procedures for upper limb spasticity

Session 3 – Reconstruction of paralyzed arm function in patients with hemiplegia

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 3 – Spasticity: Reconstruction of paralyzed arm function in patients with hemiplegia
Caroline Leclercq
Caroline Leclercq
15:20 - 16:00

Discussion & break

Session 4 – and more about tendons: introduction

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 3 – Spasticity: Reconstruction of paralyzed arm function in patients with hemiplegia
Dr. Joost W. Colaris

Session 4 – The Pulvertaft hand unit’s experience of the relative motion flexion splint for zone I/II flexor tendon repairs

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 4 – and more about tendons: The Pulvertaft hand unit's experience of the relative motion flexion splint for zone I/II flexor tendon repairs
Emma Bamford
Emma Bamford

Session 4 – Rowing the Atlantic solo – oarsman’s wrist

Big Hand event 2024 - Session 4 – and more about tendons: The Pulvertaft hand unit's experience of the relative motion flexion splint for zone I/II flexor tendon repairs
Mel Eissens
Mel Eissens

discussion and closure

Big Hand event 2024 - discussion and closure
17:00 - 18:00

drinks and talks